Drupal News Digest

Building my own temperature and humidity monitor
Last fall, we toured the Champagne region in France, famous for its sparkling wines. We explored the ancient, underground cellars where Champagne undergoes its magical transformation from grape juice to sparkling wine. These cellars, often 30 meters deep and kilometers long, maintain a constant temperature of around 10-12°C, providing the perfect conditions for aging and storing Champagne. 25 meters underground in a champagne tunnel, which often stretches for miles/kilometers. After sampling various Champagnes, we returned home with eight cases to store in our home's basement. However, unlike those deep cellars, our basement is just a few meters deep, prompting a simple question that sent me down a rabbit hole: how does our basement's temperature compare? Rather than just buying a thermometer, I decided to build my own "temperature monitoring system" using open hardware and custom-built software. After all, who needs a simple solution when you can spend evenings tinkering with hardware, sensors, wires and writing your own software? Sometimes, more is more! The basic idea is this: track the temperature and humidity of our basement every 15 minutes and send this information to a web service. This web service analyzes the data and alerts us if our basement becomes too cold or warm. I launched this monitoring system around Christmas last year, so it's been running...
The Drop Times: Drupal.org: A New Initiative for Improved User Onboarding and Role Identification
Delve into Alex Moreno's initiative to revolutionize Drupal.org by capturing user roles to tailor the onboarding experience. This in-depth look discusses community collaboration, sustainability, and innovation, aiming to enhance contributions and user engagement within the Drupal ecosystem. Join the discussion on future strategies for a sustainable Drupal and the community's role in driving change.
Drupal adventures in Japan and Australia
Next week, I'm traveling to Japan and Australia. I've been to both countries before and can't wait to return – they're among my favorite places in the world. My goal is to connect with the local Drupal community in each country, discussing the future of Drupal, learning from each other, and collaborating. I'll also be connecting with Acquia's customers and partners in both countries, sharing our vision, strategy and product roadmap. As part of that, I look forward to spending some time with the Acquia teams as well – about 20 employees in Japan and 35 in Australia. I'll present at a Drupal event in Tokyo the evening of March 14th at Yahoo! Japan. While in Australia, I'll be attending Drupal South, held at the Sydney Masonic Centre from March 20-22. I'm excited to deliver the opening keynote on the morning of March 20th, where I'll delve into Drupal's past, present, and future. I look forward to being back in Australia and Japan, reconnecting with old friends and the local communities.
Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #440 - The Cost Of Drupal
Today we are talking about the cost around Drupal, common misconceptions, and how you get what you pay for with guest Jeff Robbins. We’ll also cover Module Instructions as our module of the week. For show notes visit: www.talkingDrupal.com/440 Topics What is new! How did you get started with Drupal Selling Drupal and the cost How much is the technology vs the complexity of projects that lend themselves to Drupal Value of Drupal What can the Drupal community do to make it more widely attractive Versionless Drupal marketing Resources Drupal.org README.md Documentation Drupal versioning discussion Talking Drupal #390 - Employee Owned Companies Talking Drupal #429 - The Drupal Association Board Talking Drupal #439 - Drupal 7 Long-Term Support Visibox Jeff Robbins MySQL PHP Guests Jeff Robbins - jjeff.com jjeff Hosts Nic Laflin - nLighteneddevelopment.com nicxvan John Picozzi - epam.com johnpicozzi Ivan Stegic - ten7.com ivanstegic MOTW Correspondent Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Brief description: Have you ever wanted to have easy access to the README, CHANGELOG, and INSTALL files for the contrib modules on your Drupal site? There’s a module for that. Module name/project name: Module Instructions Brief history How old: created in Apr 2012 by Ales Rebec of Slovenia Versions available: 7.x-1.0 and 2.0.3 versions available, the latter of which works with Drupal 9...
The Drop Times: Celebrating Women's Day: Honoring Strength and Contributions
Celebrate the strength and resilience of women everywhere this Women's Day! Join us as we honour the incredible contributions of women, whether in the workplace or at home. Stay tuned for inspiring stories and features celebrating women in Drupal.As we approach International Women's Day, it's a moment for us to reflect on the incredible strength and contributions of women around the world. This day isn't just about recognizing the achievements of a few but about celebrating the resilience, determination, and diversity of all women, regardless of their roles or backgrounds.I am a Woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal Woman, that's me.—Maya Angelou, 'And Still I Rise,' poetry collection (1978).Whether she's in the workforce, leading teams in the corporate world, pursuing her passion in the arts and sciences, or staying at home nurturing families and communities, every woman contributes to the tapestry of our society in her unique way. This diversity of experiences and perspectives enriches our collective journey and propels us forward.As we honour all women this International Women's Day, we also want to highlight the remarkable women within our Drupal community. Their dedication, expertise, and tireless efforts have played a pivotal role in shaping and advancing Drupal as a platform. From developers to designers, contributors to community leaders, women in Drupal have made invaluable...
Drupal Association blog: Promoting contribution from the user registration
We have made a recent update on drupal.org that you haven’t probably noticed. In fact, although it's a meaningful and important section, I bet you have not seen it in months or even years. It's something you would have only seen when you registered on Drupal.org for the first time. I’m talking about the welcome email for new registered users. One of the goals we have had recently is improving the way our users register and interact with drupal.org for the first time. Improvements to onboarding should improve what I call the long tail of the (Open Source) contribution pipeline (a concept, the long tail of contribution, that I will explain further in the next few days). For now, let’s have a look at one of the first things new users in our community saw first: This is what I called the huge wall of text. Do you remember seeing it for the first time? Did you read any of it at all? Do you remember anything important in that email? Or did you just mark it read and move on? Fortunately, we've taken a first, incremental step to make improvements. As I said before, this isn't something our existing userbase will see, but the new welcome email to Drupal.org has changed and been simplified quite a bit. Here is the new welcome email: We have replaced a lot of the wall of text with a simpler set of sections and links, and landing pages on drupal.org. This simplifies the welcome email,...
LN Webworks: Drupal 10 Theming: All You Need to Know
Drupal 10 is the latest and most advanced version of Drupal that has transformed the world of Drupal development services. Right from its release, it has been winning the hearts of users worldwide. Some numerous features and tools make Drupal 10 phenomenal, and its enhanced theming capabilities are one of them. Drupal developers and designers can take advantage of these theming capabilities to take the quality of their work to a whole new dimension. If you are still uninitiated about Drupal 10 theming, this blog will help you know everything about it in detail. 
Acquia Developer Portal Blog: Image Optimization: The Oft-Forgotten (But Crucial) Performance Step
When we think about how to make a Drupal website load faster, we often focus on how to make Drupal render the pages faster: optimizing queries, caching entities, and so on. But out of the box Drupal has several layers of caching enabled by default, and many popular Drupal hosts have additional systems in place like memcached and Varnish to further enhance the overall page load. In practice, the load of the page itself is often a small fraction of the overall time and data needed for a visitor to view a page.
Acquia Developer Portal Blog: Image Optimization in Acquia Cloud
Optimizing the images on your website is crucial for performance, and in turn, User Experience, SEO, and more generally, the success of your site. The good news is that the Acquia Cloud Platform has built-in capabilities to help your site serve great-looking images that load quickly. Let's break down the steps needed to put these capabilities to use: Use the Built-in Utilities
Acquia Developer Portal Blog: Try Drupal Automatic Updates today on your site!
Did you know that Automatic Updates are in the works for Drupal 9/10 as a contributed module? The module applies patch-level updates to Drupal core in a separate, sandboxed copy of your site, to keep you up and running until the update is completely ready to be deployed. It can detect and report problems at every stage of the update process, so you don't have to find out about them after an update is live. It automatically detects database updates in an incoming update, and helps you run them during the process.
Acquia Developer Portal Blog: 10 Drush Commands for Acquia CMS
Drush - The "drush" command is very useful for accessing and manipulating your website's settings and data from the command line. If you are new to Drush, you might find the large number of commands available overwhelming and not know which ones to start with. 1. watchdog-show (ws)- Show a listing of most recent 10 log messages. drush watchdog-show2. pm-list (pml)- Show a list of available extensions (modules and themes )
Acquia Developer Portal Blog: Evaluating Drupal Community Modules
When looking to use a module from the Drupal community there are a number of factors to consider, beyond its functional use, that determine suitable quality and support for your organisation to use. When you deploy a Drupal site into production, who is responsible for maintaining it? How long will that site live for? These types of questions shape the risk tolerances of the project. E.g. Lower Drupal competencies means you need greater community support and more stable modules. All modules on Drupal.org are open source and fall under the GPLv2 open source license. They are free to download and use at your own risk. Each project has its own set of maintainers and a sub-community that uses the module, interacts through issues and contributes bug fixes and feature enhancements.
Acquia Developer Portal Blog: Drupal: cache tags for all, regardless your backend
This blog has been re-posted and edited with permission from Matt Glaman's blog. Phil Karlton is quoted as having said, "There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things." As someone who suffers horribly from the latter, I'm glad Drupal's caching APIs make the former a breeze. The long short of it is that caching of data improves performance by not having to perform the same operations multiple times after it has been done the first time until you need to re-run that operation again. It involves some storage (static variable in memory, memory backend storage, or the database.) Generally, you store the data with a given identifier for later retrieval, the actual data to be cached for later reuse, and possibly an expiration time for automatic invalidation.
Acquia Developer Portal Blog: How to Enable Project Browser on Your Drupal Site
Project Browser makes it easy for site builders to find modules. Once selected, instructions are provided on how to install the modules on your site. This browser lives inside the Drupal site itself, which means you don't need to leave your site in order to look for modules. Plus, it's a much improved experience than trying to page through modules by popularity on Drupal.org. To get started, we must first composer require the module:
Acquia Developer Portal Blog: DrupalCon Survival Guide: Making the Most of Your Conference Experience
Why DrupalCon? DrupalCon is the premier 3-4 day conference for the Drupal community. It brings together developers, content creators, site builders, and business leaders from around the world to learn and share their Drupal knowledge. You will have the chance to attend sessions, workshops, and keynotes led by some of the most innovative and successful Drupal leaders. The best part of DrupalCon (in my opinion) is participating in community events, networking opportunities, and social events with the vibrant community of Drupal enthusiasts. Check out this video below from the Drupal Association to learn more.
Acquia Developer Portal Blog: DrupalElementStyle: Add styles to drupal-media in CKEditor 5 using only configuration
With Drupal’s upgrade to CKEditor 5, users can now add their own attributes or styles to the media toolbar using the new DrupalElementStyle plugin via YAML definitions …without writing a single
