
Web Hosting for Professionals

quality VPS, fast and secure cloud DNS servers, free SSL

Classic Hosting
Great for static websites, database-driven content management systems, and custom applications.
Managed VPS
Virtual private server a separate, independent server fully managed by web administrator.
Cloud Hosting
It is the latest form of hosting when the resources are spread across more than one web server.
WordPress Hosting
WordPress is the world’s most popular website building tool for customers of all levels of experience and expertise.
Virtual Private Server
A VPS runs its own copy of an operating system, and customers have superuser level access to that instance.
Cloud Storage
A model of data storage in which the digital data is stored in logical pools and multiple servers.

Premium DNS Servers

Amazon Route 53

Amazon Route 53




Google Cloud DNS

BWA Classic, Power and Power Plus Web Hosting Plans

WHM, cPanel, WrebMail, Web Admin

16GB Virtual Private Server
BWA Classic

When paid yearly or $86 monthly

2 vCore(s) 2.4 GHz Server
80GB SSD Drive Storage
2TB Monthly Transfers
Unlimited Subdomains
Unlimited Parked Domains
IMAP, POP, WebMail
WHM, cPanel, WebAdmin
Four Dedicated IPs INCLUDED
E-Commerce Optimized

Get BWA Classic Hosting

24GB Virtual Private Server
BWA Power

When paid yearly or $129.99 monthly

4 vCore(s) 2.4 GHz Server
100GB Storage
2TB Monthly Transfers
Unlimited Subdomains
Unlimited Parked Domains
IMAP, WebMail
WHM, cPanel, WebAdmin
Eight Dedicated IPs INCLUDED
E-Commerce Optimized

Get BWA Power Hosting

We transfer existing HTML, Drupal or WordPress site for free
get live help from web hosting experts and web design professionals with years of experience

Web Hosting Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is web hosting?
Web hosting is a service that puts your files on a physical or virtual server and make them assessable via URL, plus most of web hosting provide email and ssl service.
Q: What type of hosting plans do you offer?
We offer self managed and fully managed VPS (Virtual; Private Servers), Drupal, WordPress and Magento optimized web hosting, cloud hosting and cloud backup.
Q: What operating system is used on your web servers?
Our virtual servers are highly customizable, most popular: CentOS 6, CentOS 7, Apache, WHM, cPanel, Plesk.
Q: Can I install software into my hosting?
Yes you may set up any software that runs on PHP/MySQL, we could help with some popular content management systems setup.
Q: Do I have to transfer my domains to your hosting?
No, you could keep current register, you would need to change DNS records. We offer enterprise class DNS service with best speed and security is the North America region.
Q: How long does it take to set up a new account?
New account setup and domain registration is practically instant, VPS set up could take from one to three hours.
Q: What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit and debit cards via PayPal, PayPal Cash, Bitcoin, payments by check.
Q: Do you put adds or pop-ups on my web sites
NO at BWA we never alter or change any type of customers website content without there clear approval.
Q: Do you backup my websites?
Every fully managed web hosting gets weekly full hosting account backup and daily critical data backup. Self managed web hosting accounts could add backup as extra service.
Q: Could I host multiple websites with my web hosting plan?
Yes, you could host unlimited amount of web sites on self managed web hosting VPS, managed hosting and web hosting bundles usually have limits
Q: What do I need to setup my SSL certificate?
You get a basic FREE SSL with every domain registered and hosted with Business Web Admin, we take care of SSL installation and integration. If you bought premium certificate from us for any our hosting plans we install it for FREE.
Q: Do I need to install any software to use WordPress or Drupal on my new hosting?
Every new web hosting comes with administrative dashboard cPanel or Plesk access with two clicks installation option for many content management systems like Drupal or WordPress. Contact web admin and we install WordPress or Drupal to any of your domains hosted with BWA for FREE.

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